About SSA #38
Special Service Area #38 Northcenter provides supplemental services such as planter maintenance, sidewalk litter removal, public art projects and more. SSA #38 covers portions of Irving Park Rd, Damen Ave, Western Ave and Lincoln Ave.
What is a Special Service Area?
Special Service Areas, known as Business Improvement Districts or BIDs in other cities, are local tax districts that fund expanded services and programs through a localized property tax levy within contiguous areas. The enhanced services and programs are in addition to those currently provided through the City.
SSA-funded projects typically include but are not limited to:
Public way maintenance and beautification
District marketing and advertising
Business retention and attraction
Special Events and promotional activities
Auto and bike transit
Façade improvements
Other commercial and economic development initiatives
The City contracts with local non-profits, called Service Providers, to manage SSAs. Mayor-appointed SSA Commissioners for each SSA district oversee and recommend the annual services, budget and Service Provider Agency to the City. There are currently 58 active SSAs in Chicago.
Special Service Area #38 was created in 2006 to provide enhanced cleaning, landscaping, snow removal and other services to Northcenter’s primary streets, to help beautify and promote Northcenter as a desirable place to live, work, and play.
These services help attract new businesses, residents and visitors to Northcenter as well as enhance the streetscape for all visitors.
The current boundaries of the SSA are:
Irving Park Road from Ravenswood Ave. to the Chicago River
Western Avenue from Belmont Avenue to Montrose Avenue (West side) from Montrose Ave to Cornelia (East side)
Lincoln Avenue from Addison to Montrose Avenue (West side) and from Montrose Ave to Bradley Pl (East side)
Damen Ave from Belle Plaine to 3912 N. Damen (West side), from Cuyler to Byron (East side).
Northcenter Town Square (4100 N. Damen)
SSAs provide ongoing, consistent and reliable funding for key local services.
SSAs provide a locally controlled way for our community to implement enhancements in the way we envision them.
SSA services raise appeal and property value of homes and businesses.
SSA funding ensures local tax dollars go to local services.
Our Services
SSA #38 Northcenter is a 'clean and green' Special Service Area. The vast majority of the SSA service scope and budget goes to Public Way Maintenance & Aesthetics. By keeping this focus, we are able to provide necessary services to our community, ensure local tax dollars go to local services, and keep costs low for residents.
The SSA also oversees some tenant retention and attraction programs, most notably Retail Northcenter, an initiative connecting prospective entrepreneurs with vacancies in the community to drive commercial attraction to the area.
Sidewalk Power Washing
Snow Removal
Litter Pickup
Tenant Attraction
Greening & Beautification
SSA 38 Commissioners
Warren Silver
Silver Law Office
Mike Kane
Kane Insurance Group
Jerry Jakubco
Jerome Jakubco Law Office
William Simmons
Rev. Billy’s Chop Shop
Dan Scott
The UPS Store