Business Grants & Licensing
The Northcenter Chamber of Commerce wants to help you grow your business and achieve its fullest potential. Whether you are well established, new to the neighborhood or just starting out, we can connect your to resources to help you along the way.
Business Grants
Home and Business Protection Program
The city’s Home and Business Protection Program (HBPP) helps Chicago residents and business owners obtain tools needed to protect their property and feel safe.
City of Chicago Resources
Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP)
The Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection (BACP) ensures a fair and vibrant market place for both businesses and consumers. BACP licenses businesses and public vehicles, provides business education and access to resources, enforces the Municipal Code, and protects consumers from fraud.
Department of Procurement Services
The Department of Procurement Services contracts for over $2 billion of goods and services annually for the City of Chicago through an open-bid and solicitation process to ensure fairness, competition and best value. DPS generates revenue through our auctions that promote reuse and recycling. Responsible vendors are encouraged to share in many contracting opportunities, and the DPS holds many outreach events and posts opportunities to get involved with the City of Chicago on their website.
Zoning and Land Use Planning
DPD's Land Use Planning and Policy Division develops and implements citywide and neighborhood land use plans and manages the Chicago Plan Commission. It also reviews planned developments, lakefront protection applications, and proposed zoning changes in industrial corridors.
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Uptown Business Center
The Uptown Business Center (UBC) is managed by Uptown United, and aims to support new and existing business owners with licensing, permitting, and additional specialized business assistance in collaboration with BACP, local Chambers, and community partners.
World Business Chicago
World Business Chicago (WBC) fosters private sector growth and jobs through the advancement of a business-friendly environment that attracts world class talent. WBC leads the city's business retention, attraction and expansion efforts, raises Chicago's position as a premier global business destination, and guides implementation of the Plan for Economic Growth & Jobs.
National Association of Women Business Owners
NAWBO is the premier organization in the United States representing the interests of all women business owners. NAWBO Chicago, among the largest of the organization’s more than 80 chapters, offers a wealth of opportunities ranging from contacts and networking to learning, advocacy and growth.
Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce
Serving as “The Voice of Business” since 1904, the Chamber leads aggressive public policy and business growth initiatives. We create meaningful events and programs to inform, engage, and connect our members to each other and the community.
Chicagoland Black Chamber of Commerce
The mission of the NBCC is to economically empower and sustain African-American (Black) Communities through entreprenuership and capitalistic activities via interaction with the Illinois State Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc and the National Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
DePaul University Coleman Entrepreneurship Center
The Coleman Center provides access to resources, knowledge, and people. Within its offices, a library is available for clients, including books, software, and reference guides. The Center also connects entrepreneurs with people and organizations that can help grow their businesses.
Quick Questions
The Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) issues business licenses in the City of Chicago and regulates industries as diverse as retail, food establishments, day care centers, manufacturing facilities and motor vehicle repair shops. BACP also regulates the sale of retail liquor in Chicago.
If you’re looking at Northcenter, you can view our quarterly Vacancy Audit for the latest availabilities.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a special funding tool used by the City of Chicago to promote public and private investment across the city. Funds are used to build and repair roads and infrastructure, clean polluted land and put vacant properties back to productive use, usually in conjunction with private development projects. Funds are generated by growth in the Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) of properties within a designated district over a 23-year period.
The City of Chicago’s Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF) promotes economic development by providing small businesses with reimbursable grants for permanent building improvement costs. SBIF grants use local Tax Increment Financing (TIF) revenue to reimburse you for the pre-approved repair or rehab of your business facilities or adjacent land acquisition. Grants are available for commercial and industrial business and property owners.
The Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events processes Special Events applications for outdoor festivals, street and art/craft fairs and athletic events.
Business Affairs and Consumer Protection issues liquor licenses and public way use permits.
The Zoning Ordinance Administration Division reviews building permit applications to ensure compliance to the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. Plan reviews are conducted by plan examiners located at City Hall, 121 N. La Salle St., Room 905, Chicago.
Check out this helpful guide on LLC Registration.